Regional leaders play a fundamental role in their local environments and in Chile as a whole, which is why IdeaPaís is deployed with its first regional directorate, not only to talk about decentralization, but also to make it a reality in its daily work, offering its training platforms in the different communes of O'Higgins.

IdeaPaís O'Higgins Team

Latest news from IdeaPaís O'Higgins

Column: What the truckers knew

Column: What the truckers knew

The truckers' strike is now behind us and was nothing more than an anecdote in the large cities where it did not affect basic supplies. However, in agricultural Chile, where the harvest season has just begun, the week-long stoppage has had an effect on...

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Column: No peace, no new constitution

Column: No peace, no new constitution

Three years after the Peace Accord and the New Constitution, neither one nor the other have arrived, and the person leading the country is more erratic every day; after all, with the rejection of the plebiscite, his refoundational project was also rejected, leaving the president...

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Column: No peace, no new constitution

Column: Pensions, camps and change of attitude

  The discussion on pensions is now on the agenda, and the government seems to be governing at a good time! It is to be hoped that this discussion will advance at a good level and towards a good port. But the sign is encouraging: a social urgency that was crying out for attention is...

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What we are

Training room

We offer a varied schedule of talks, lectures and courses on different social issues of public interest. We also organize conferences and workshops for representatives, student centers or student projects where they acquire management tools, methods for the elaboration of social projects, communication tips, debate and fundraising techniques and transparent administration of funds.

Training action

The Education that we teach, does not stay in the books, but from them, inspires us to go out to meet families in need of a youth that plays for their community. Thus, we are deployed in camps and neighborhoods in student projects of social impact.

Let's talk

If you would like to help us, invite us to work with you or simply get to know us better, we invite you to contact us.