What is IdeaPaís

IdeaPaís is an independent think tank whose purpose is to promote Christian-social ideas in Chile through the Education of young people, dissemination of ideas and public policy proposals.

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Estudios, libros, infografías, ensayos y nuestra revista «Raíces».

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How do we finance ourselves?

We are a non-profit institution. Our funding comes mainly from donations and services we perform.


IdeaPaís is an independent think tank, whose purpose is to promote Christian-social ideas in Chile through the Education of young people, dissemination of ideas and proposal of public policies.


IdeaPaís aims to generate a community of people trained in social Christianity, with an interest in public affairs and the social problems of Chile. Combining action and reflection, IdeaPaís works for a more caring society, with special attention to the excluded.

  • Dignity of the human being and transcendence
  • Social justice
  • Solidarity
  • Subsidiarity
  • Freedom
  • Right and duty of parents to educate their children
  • Family as the heart of society
  • Private property and universal destination of goods
  • Common good
Institutional Values
  • Excellence: committed work with high technical standards and sense of urgency, creating new challenges and thinking.
  • Critical sense: dispassionate analysis of reality, characterized by intellectual honesty and search of the truth. 
  • Autonomy: liberty to achieve intended purposes, promoting goals and processes with courage and daring.
  • Collaboration: networking with people from different disciplines and areas, complementing personal work and developing awareness of our virtues and individual limitations. 

Executive team

Lastest news

Columna: En contra de los redactores

Columna: En contra de los redactores

La propuesta constitucional ha generado disímiles reacciones en la discusión pública. De las más llamativas es la actitud que ha mostrado el Gobierno en materia de seguridad. Sus defensores la llaman «la Constitución de la seguridad», pues otorga un capítulo completo...

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Columna: Seguridad y corrupción, ¿ahora sí que sí?

Columna: Seguridad y corrupción, ¿ahora sí que sí?

A días del plebiscito del 17 de diciembre, la coincidencia entre los anuncios del gobierno y las principales novedades del texto constitucional son demasiadas. Todo indica que pese a estar en contra, el gobierno entiende que el texto recoge las demandas más relevantes...

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Columna: La Constitución social

Columna: La Constitución social

Educación pública, gratuita y de calidad. No+SENAME. No+AFP. No+Abusos. Estallido Social. Todas son banderas que, con mayor o menor razón, han coloreado calles de los últimos 15 años. A estos gritos se suman muchos otros, más hondos y sentidos, que llenan los...

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What is in store for Chile after the end of the constitutional process?

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What is in store for Chile after the end of the constitutional process?


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