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Proposals for a Chile of solidarity

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Since October 2019 that two crises, one social and one health, have strongly impacted our lifestyles and our society, disrupting what we once considered "normalcy".

The outlook is far from easy for anyone who cares about Chile and seeks to change what is happening. That is why IdeaPaís during 2021 decided to convene a broad group of young professionals, with experience in the public and private sectors, from various professions and interests, to think of a Chile equipped with tools to overcome the two crises that plague us. Raíces Magazine First edition

Proposals for a Chile of solidarity, seeks to be an input where the reader will find a series of initiatives and public policies on six issues that seem to us central to the Chile of the future, trying to respond to the deepest pains of our country and most pressing social urgencies: health, pensions, education, housing, women and environmental perspective.