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Gonzalo Vial: Política y Crisis Social 2da edición ampliada

Gonzalo Vial: Política y Crisis Social 2da edición ampliada

Historian, journalist and lawyer. Gonzalo Vial was one of the main actors of Chilean social-political thought, whose pen stood out for the sharpness of his analysis in several books and permanent journalistic publications. A large selection of the texts, which are presented in this edition, remained untouched by the passage of time, and suggest, from the causes, some answers to the crisis of post-transition Chile.

Revista Raíces «Reformismo y Constitución» III Edición

Revista Raíces «Reformismo y Constitución» III Edición

The third edition of Raíces magazine provides us with valuable insights to reflect on the current national context. The topic at the national level is the Constitutional Convention, which after eight months of work is the object of harsh criticism, from the democratic left to the right. The proposal
of maximalist norms that break with our juridical tradition, as well as with an idea of an identitarian Constitution, generate questions regarding the consequences that this would have for our institutional balance.
The various essays and articles in this issue
The various essays and articles in this issue allow us to trace a path within this complex scenario, marked by a process of changes and expectations on the part of the citizenry.
In particular, we highlight the debate and scope of the concept of subsidiarity, the meeting points between social Christianity and liberalism. In addition, in an attempt to respond to the conjuncture, we present the essay "technique reconsidered", which seeks to see the space and counterweights of politics and technique.